4 posts
11-23-2019, 09:15 PM - #21
RPCS3 Log File:
It's 16.95 MB, attachment here says "You can upload a maximum of 8.39 bytes at once."
Main Issue:
- In Legacy Mode, everything runs fine, no crashes right from the beginning Amateur Tournament to the first time you fight for the championship belt. However, upon winning the championship belt, you have to defend it right away against a challenger. Right after you, the champion, and the challenger touch gloves in the ring and go to your respective corners, that's when the crash/freeze happens. It's a MEM Access Violation Reading Location problem.
Other Issues:
- Sometimes if you create a boxer and use him in "Fight Now" mode, the game will also have some MEM Access Violation error, but this can be remedied by restarting the PC itself.
- Sometimes if you create a boxer, the textures will fail to load and you'll see a weird boxer, sometimes he's pure black, sometimes he looks like a hilarious mess of texture mapping anomaly. This can easily be fixed by simply going back to the title screen and using or loading the boxer again. It can take a few tries to load the boxer properly without missing textures. This isn't a problem in Legacy Mode though because once you create a boxer and he loads perfectly, then he'll be perfect all the time.
Game Tested On:
i7 3770K overclocked at 4.0 GHz
GTX 660 (2)
Windows 10 Latest November 2019 Update
4 posts
11-25-2019, 04:41 AM - #22
Partial Solution to Memory Access Violation Errors on Legacy Mode of Fight Night Champion:
If you are having the Memory Access Violation errors which crashes/freezes the game on Legacy Mode (aka Career Mode) of Fight Night Champion, do the following before you begin the fight where you get that error.
1. While in Legacy Mode, go to My Boxer and choose to EDIT your boxer.
2. Change the color of your boxer's Trunks/Shorts and Apply the change (aka save the change). It's possible that making other changes in the Edit screen of your boxer can also stop the Memory Access Violation error but I haven't tried that.
3. Proceed to the fight and you'll be able to finally do battle with your opponent.
Why does the solution work? I have no idea, but since the crashes were always caused by Memory Access Violation errors, I thought it might have something to do with the save file of the game, specifically the save file of the created boxer in Legacy Mode. By making that one little change and saving it, maybe something also got affected in the save file, causing it to work normally again.
Other Thoughts:
The Memory Access Violation errors only happen in Legacy Mode for me. I created two separate save files for the experiment. In the first save file, which is what you see in the video, I was able to fight in 24 bouts to become Champion. On the 25th fight, which is where I'm supposed to defend the championship belt, that's when I encountered the Memory Access Violation error which kept crashing the game no matter what settings I changed in RPCS3's configuration.
In the second save file I made, I immediately encountered the Memory Access Violation error on the third fight. This makes me believe that the Memory Access Violation error can happen at any point in Legacy Mode but I don't know what triggers it. Anyway, this was where I discovered the partial solution, which is basically as easy as going to your boxer's edit screen and changing the color of his trunks/shorts and of course saving/applying this change. Somehow, this change fixed the Memory Access Violation error and allowed me to participate in the third fight.
Since it worked on the second save file, I also tried the solution on the first save file that I made where I was already Champion. From his red shorts, I changed it to color green and saved it. Fortunately, that worked and it allowed me to defend the championship belt and move on.
Game Tested On:
i7 3770K overclocked at 4.0 GHz
GTX 660 (2)
Windows 10 Latest November 2019 Update
4 posts
12-04-2019, 05:01 PM - #23
Finished Fight Night Champion on RPCS3 9196. Game was perfect in Champion Mode/Story Mode from the very beginning (but with the usual audio stuttering). Only experienced crash in the final battle against Isaac Frost. Fixed it by putting a check on Disable Vertex Cache and Disable Async Compiler.
All settings the same as before in config tab:
CPU Tab remove check on Enable Thread Scheduler,
GPU Tab choose Vulkan, FrameLimit 30fps or Off, Anisotropic Filter 2X, Antialiasing Disabled, Default Resolution 740x480, put check on Stretch to Display Area, Disable Vertex Cache, Disable Async Compiler,
Emulator Tab put check on Resize Game Window on Boot, Debug Tab put check on Disable Zcul Occlusion Queries, everything else left at default.
Game Tested on:
i7 3770k overclocked to 4GHz
GTX 660
Windows 10 November 2019 Update
2,060 posts
12-05-2019, 07:01 AM - #24
Audio is way too broken to be considered playable. Your report is also missing any gameplay footage, all the footage is just cutscenes. And no log was provided either. It doesn't matter though, since it's not playable.
2 posts
12-14-2019, 02:17 AM - #25
If you have a problem with the audio, Turn off "Enable SPU loop detection"
8 posts
01-21-2020, 03:11 AM - #28
try with adeno settings plus unchek loop detection to fix the sound, works great
5 posts
02-04-2020, 12:14 PM - #29
If uncheck loop detection the game is running slow.
1 posts
02-06-2020, 06:26 PM - #30
(12-05-2019, 07:01 AM)Asinine Wrote: Audio is way too broken to be considered playable. Your report is also missing any gameplay footage, all the footage is just cutscenes. And no log was provided either. It doesn't matter though, since it's not playable.
I suggest making this one playable, I was able to play it without any stutter or issues last night for about an hour - If needed, I can upload some gameplay footage.