1. 陆贞传奇(TV Series 2013-2013) - 海报
南北朝时期,王朝变异,兵荒马乱,民不聊生。君不君,臣不臣,上演多少泯灭人性的乱世惨剧。时北齐皇帝高欢暴卒,经过一番明争暗斗,忠厚善良的常山王高演(乔任梁饰)终于在 ...
南北朝时期,王朝变异,兵荒马乱,民不聊生。君不君,臣不臣,上演多少泯灭人性的乱世惨剧。时北齐皇帝高欢暴卒,经过一番明争暗斗,忠厚善良的常山王高演(乔任梁 饰)终于在母亲娄皇后(刘雪华 饰)的经营下践祚。此后不久,家中突生变异的才女陆贞(赵丽颖 饰)决心入宫当宫女,在此期间还几次三番救助被娄皇后排挤暗害的郁皇后之子长广王高湛(陈晓 饰)。一如宫门,不得回还,看似紫气缭绕的皇宫内院,同室操戈令人齿冷,各种派系倾轧攻伐更是险恶。柔弱女子陆贞身处各种阴谋和爱恨情仇的交汇点,稍不留神即有亡命危险。在历史潮流和政治波澜的推动下,陆贞兀自书写着流传千古的女相传奇……
2. Legend of Lu Zhen (2013) - MyDramaList
6 feb 2015 · To escape her cruel stepmother, Lu Zhen enters the palace as an attendant. She was quickly promoted through the ranks for her pottery-making skill.
To escape her cruel stepmother, Lu Zhen enters the palace as an attendant. She was quickly promoted through the ranks for her pottery-making skill. During...
3. Legend of Lu Zhen (2013) - The Movie Database
To escape her cruel stepmother, Lu Zhen enters the palace and rises through the ranks with her pottery skills. Despite capturing the heart of Crown Prince ...
To escape her cruel stepmother, Lu Zhen enters the palace and rises through the ranks with her pottery skills. Despite capturing the heart of Crown Prince Gao Zhan, social barriers and jealous enemies prevent their union. She dedicates herself to politics, helping him thwart a coup, and is eventually honored with the position of female prime minister.
4. Legend of Lu Zhen - 陆贞传奇 - TheTVDB.com
To escape her cruel stepmother, Lu Zhen enters the palace as an attendant. She was quickly promoted through the ranks for her pottery-making skill.
5. 陆贞传奇- 高清电视剧免费在线观看 - OnDemandChina
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6. 陸貞傳奇{ Legend of Lu Zhen} I Female Prime Minister EP (50)
Duur: 28:03Geplaatst: 5 feb 2015
7. Legend of Lu Zhen (2013) - MyDramaList
6 feb 2015 · Related Content · Titre original: 陸貞傳奇 · Aussi connu sous le nom de: Lu Zhen Chuan Qi , Nu Xiang , Female Prime Minister , 女相 , 陆贞传奇 ...
Globalement 8.0
8. legend of lu zhen on Tumblr
... cut off, all of our worries would also disappear. #legend of lu zhen#陆贞传奇#female prime minister#cdrama#2013#gif#female prime minister: ep 30. 58 notes.
See a recent post on Tumblr from @linggluu about legend of lu zhen. Discover more posts about legend of lu zhen.
9. 2013caff recap ebook by edimediainc - Issuu
The movie tells a legend in his early years living in his hometown,Fu ... 《女將軍李貞血洗瀏陽河》 The Legend of the Female General Li Zhen. 4. 《傾城》 ...
10. 2020台北電影節節目專刊 - Issuu
1 jun 2020 · Read 2020台北電影節節目專刊by Taipei Film Festival on Issuu and browse thousands of other publications on our platform. Start here!