Make a difference in your community (2025)

Individuals across Kent are choosing to give up their spare time to police the streets of Kent.

Special constables are volunteer police officers who take part in frontline police work and wear the same uniform, carry the same equipment, and hold the same power of arrest as regular police officers.

Our specials come from all walks of life and have a diverse range of skills and experiences, from teachers, doctors, full-time parents, university students, directors, office workers and even airline pilots.

Why are they choosing to do it unpaid?

Make a difference in your community (1)

Volunteering for Kent Police is a great way to build relationships and develop new skills. When speaking to Kent Police special constables, some explained how joining the Special Constabulary has helped them grow in confidence. Many expressed always having a curiosity about the world of policing and joining as a special allows them to have the best of both worlds.

Special Constable Gunne who works for a global digital agency, said, ‘I spend a lot of time sitting at a desk and so being a special gives me something new and interesting to talk about. It is my opportunity to go and meet some of the real world.’

In a recent survey conducted by Kent Police, 92% of respondents said they ‘agree’ that they have gained a lot of personal satisfaction from being a special and 94% said they ‘agree’ that they have developed further skills since doing the role.

Being a special constable allows individuals to gain a deeper understanding of the community they live and work in, whilst doing something extremely rewarding. 97% of respondents said that they ‘agree’ that they have made a positive impact on people’s lives. Employees carry out their usual day job at their workplace, but have the benefit of police training and experience, bringing with it knowledge and skills that are transferable into their professional discipline. 71% of respondents ‘agreed’ that they have used the skills learnt or developed as a special in their paid job.

Staff who are special constables are widely regarded by employers as being more committed, dependable, confident, and responsible in the workplace. Three quarters of volunteers say volunteering has made them feel physically healthier and lowered their stress levels which not only benefits employees, but the organisation too.

Employer Support Policing is a national scheme supported by the Home Office, with many Kent employers already a part of it. The programme is a great way for employers to play their part in making their community safer by allowing their staff time to undertake volunteer duties as a special constable (paid or unpaid). It increases the knowledge within the company workforce, as well as supporting the ethical, social and community aims of many organisations.

Make a difference in your community (2)

Benefits to organisations include:

• enhanced reputation and profile within the local community

• positive marketing opportunity

• development of staff skillset

• police-trained staff working on your premises

• enhanced morale, well-being and retention of staff

• assists with staff career progression

How do specials fit this around family and work life?

As a special you are required to complete a minimum of 16 hours operational policing each month. Individuals can volunteer at times which fit around their life and commitments, and Kent Police will make the shifts work for you.

Special Sergeant Beamish is a teacher and volunteers during the school holidays. She said, ‘the support that is in place for us is amazing. My communication skills have developed when talking to parents and I have a broader knowledge of things when it comes to law. I see things from behind the scenes more in home environments. On a personal level, I have benefited from the confidence it has built and the friendships that I’ve made along the way.’

Special constables are well respected members of the force, and their commitment is highly valued.

There is an increasing number of specials joining specialist teams within the force, often using skills they have gained in their daily lives. Apart from the firearms unit, special constables can join any specialist teams within the force, such as the dog unit, roads policing, search and marine, public order and rural task force. There are over 20 teams to choose from, which fosters an incredibly diverse and interesting career.

Make a difference in your community (3)

How long does the recruitment process and training take?

The recruitment process can take approximately four to seven months. If your application is accepted, you will go through various eligibility and vetting checks before starting your training. Training will take place at Kent Police College in Maidstone over 15 weekends. Through support and dedicated police training, Kent Police will prepare you for it all.

During the Summer of 2024, Kent Police will be holding an intense training programme for those who wish to complete the training modules over a shorter period of time. This means trainee specials can attend the college from Monday to Friday over several weeks, which may suit those who do not work during the summer, such as professionals within the education sector and students.

For more information about our intake dates, training courses and entry criteria, please visit the website. If you wish to talk to a member of the team, please call 01622 653070

Make a difference in your community (2025)


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Name: Edmund Hettinger DC

Birthday: 1994-08-17

Address: 2033 Gerhold Pine, Port Jocelyn, VA 12101-5654

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Job: Central Manufacturing Supervisor

Hobby: Jogging, Metalworking, Tai chi, Shopping, Puzzles, Rock climbing, Crocheting

Introduction: My name is Edmund Hettinger DC, I am a adventurous, colorful, gifted, determined, precious, open, colorful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.